
WIN: Stargate Collection Bundle!

WIN: A HUGE Stargate Collection Bundle which includes a copy of Stargate Universe Season 2, a copy of Stargate Atlantis: The Complete Series AND...

Breaking Bad renewed for last hurrah

Hit TV series Breaking Bad, from AMC and Sony, will be getting a 5th and final season with production starting on the last 16...

SMASH! 2011: Capsule Computers Cosplay Hunt!

SMASH! 2011: Capsule Computers Cosplay Hunt!It sucks to miss out on an awesome event, isn't it? Well have no fear, Capsule Computers is here!...

SMASH! 2011 What I loved

I have to say that my experience with SMASH! this year was much better than my experience with SMASH! last year. I don't mean that...

SMASH! 2011 Little Kuriboh Panel

Little Kuriboh, one of the biggest names in not only the Yu-Gi-Oh! fandom but also the Anime fandom at large, was a guest speaker at...

SMASH! 2011 Cosplay Contest!

Cosplayers! They're easily one of the most exciting things about any convention, and SMASH! was no different. While most cosplayers are happy enough to...

Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 releasing on XBLA

Magic the Gathering is well known as one of the largest and most popular card games in the world. Unlike Pokémon and Yu Gi...

Preorder Assassin’s Creed: Revelations at Gamestop and get upgraded

Assassin's and hitmen who preorder the next game in the Assassin's Creed series, Revelations, will get a nice upgrade, courtesy of Ubisoft and GS....

Second Best

Rarely in the film industry, would you find a sequel that does better than its predecessor but in the gaming industry, sequels are often...

The original voice of Ash Ketchum

Who hasn't watched Pokemon?  Nobody.  Pokemon was the ever-loving shit.  I can't vouch for it now, but that show was legendary back in it's...

Creative Sound Blaster Tactic 3D Omega Headset – Long name; swell features

At CES, Creative announced that they will be releasing a wireless pair of headphones for their Surround Blaster 3D Tactic series.  This headset will...

Dynasty Warriors 7 – New Screenshots and a release date!

Dynasty Warriors 7, the most fun you will ever have slaying hundreds of enemies at a time, is now ready to show off its...

Latest Reviews

Sniper Elite: Resistance Review

Sniper Elite: ResistanceDeveloper: RebellionPublisher: RebellionPlatforms: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC (Reviewed)Release Date: 30 Jan 2025Price: - $49.99 USD - Available Here $99.95 AUD – Available HereOverviewIf...

Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos Review

Neptunia Riders VS DogoosDeveloper: Compile HeartPublisher: Idea Factory InternationalPlatforms: PlayStation 5 (Reviewed), PlayStation 4, Switch, PCRelease Date: January 28, 2025, PC (TBA 2025)Price: $39.99...