
Retro Games Review

Retro Games (Packs 1 - 3) Developer: Elite Systems Platforms: iPhone (reviewed), iPad Release Date: April 6th, 2012 Price: $0.99 (BUY NOW), HD (BUY NOW), Free (DOWNLOAD NOW), Free...

Gears of War 3 making consoles freeze?

Uh-oh. Commenters on Epic's forums have recently been reporting that a glitch in Gears of War 3 is causing some consoles to freeze...

MS Points Glitch Gives Users Extra Points

Here is something that seems out of the ordinary. Some Xbox Live users may have noticed that they obtained a generous amount of Microsoft...

Do not download latest Fallout: New Vegas patch on Xbox 360

A new patch went live for the Xbox 360 version of Fallout: New Vegas today. But don't be so quick to accept that download...

Killzone 3 patch 1.04 is out now

Those of you who have played the Killzone 3 open beta and are now playing the full game have probably noticed that there is...

MW2 Security Update will address security issues

Although Modern Warfare 2 has been surpassed by its younger acolyte, Black Ops, Activision has apparently not forgotten the game.  The latest patch for...

PS3 Firmware update blocks cheaters on CoD

In conjunction with the new map pack for Call of Duty Black Ops, Sony and Activision have apparently been secret cohorts in the war...

Crackdown 2 Demo Patched and Facebook game

Is everyone enjoying the Crackdown 2 demo? any of you get all the achievements already. Well, there was a patch for the demo that...

Patch Notes – Splinter Cell: Conviction

The most recent update for Splinter Cell: Conviction fixes the extremely annoying glitch that would prevent the achievement for beating the game on Realistic...

UBISOFT Announces FREE WEEKLY Content for Splinter Cell Conviction

Great news for all you Splinter Cell fans out there !!Ubisoft announced today that free content for Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Conviction™ will be...

Splinter Cell: Conviction started out rocky

Splinter Cell: Conviction started out rocky

EA completes maintenance on Battlefield: Bad Company 2 servers

Ea completes maintenance on Battlefield: Bad Company 2 servers

Modern Warfare 2 Patch Now Live on PS3 and 360

The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 patch finally hit Xbox Live last night. Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling tweeted that the patch will be available...

Latest Reviews

Sniper Elite: Resistance Review

Sniper Elite: ResistanceDeveloper: RebellionPublisher: RebellionPlatforms: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC (Reviewed)Release Date: 30 Jan 2025Price: - $49.99 USD - Available Here $99.95 AUD – Available HereOverviewIf...

Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos Review

Neptunia Riders VS DogoosDeveloper: Compile HeartPublisher: Idea Factory InternationalPlatforms: PlayStation 5 (Reviewed), PlayStation 4, Switch, PCRelease Date: January 28, 2025, PC (TBA 2025)Price: $39.99...