
New Gundam AGE Trailer

A new trailer has been added to the pile of Gundam AGE related scrap news. But this trailer as a matter of fact, however...

Gundam AGE gets premiere date

After months of hype building, a date has been confirmed for the imminent excitement explosion. Which will undoubtedly cause a cataclysm of some kind requiring Mobile...

Gundam AGE promo video released!

The first official footage of the highly anticipated Gundam AGE anime series has hit the web. It gives us an in depth look at...

Dead or Alive Dimensions: Banned in Australia!

What in-? Dead or Alive banned? In yet another case of particularly stupid political correctness influencing Australia's backwards video game rating and classification systems, the popular 3DS title...

The Digital Age

Picture if you will, a nerd, as strange request as it seems. You will probably imagine someone with frizzy hair, a knitted sweater-vest, and huge...

Amazon Discounts Dragon Age II to $39.99…

If you shop at Amazon, you are probably aware about the "Gaming Gold Box" which usually happens at least once a month, giving some...

Dragon Age Legends comes to Facebook

 Eletronics Arts and Bioware have massively extended the Dragon Age series by releasing the highly popular RPG to over 500000 Facebook users. This will...

Bioware caught red handed

So Dragon Age 2 is finally out and is being met with mixed reviews.  The most common argument around is that it isn't as...

Dragon Age 2 rises to power with gameplay footage revealed!

Bioware is already well into making the sequal to last years phenomenal Dragon Age - Dragon Age II . The latest trailer to hit the XBOX Live market place and interwebs is entitled "Rise to Power" and can be seen in all it's glory

Dragon Age: Origins ‘Leliana’s Song’ DLC Details

BioWare's senior writer, Lukas Kristjanson has been releasing some Dragon Age: Origins' details on the upcoming DLC 'Leliana's Song'. Check out some of...

Age to dust in Singularity

We've all seen games try to use time altering abilities as gimmicks. There's been many different examples even in this generation of gaming....

Xbox 360 DEAL Of The Week !!

This Week on XBLA (4-05-10)

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