Some of the contents of the third and most likely final DLC pack for Dragon Ball Xenoverse have been leaked in Japan. The pack will be launching in Japan at the end of April and as we predicted, is centered around the new Dragon Ball Z movie Resurrection ‘F’. The packs big draw is the newly revealed Golden Frieza becoming a playable character. In English speaking countries it is also known we are getting Jaco the Galactic Patrolman as a playable character as well. The full scan is available below.
Alongside the playable characters, players will also be receiving:
- 2 new masters. Jaco and a still unannounced mentor.
- 5 new paralell quests.
- 13 new super and ultimate attacks, four of which will belong to Jaco.
- 1 new full costume for our created character. (Gohan’s green tracksuit from Revival of F). English speaking countries will also receive the Master Roshi outfit.
- 2 new accessories (One being Tagoma’s Scouter).
- 3 new Z-Souls.
Hopefully we will also be getting a few more things as the pack seems a little lacking in content especially compared to pack 2 which gave us more of everything plus additional story missions. I’m personally hoping each character gets their new movie outfit and they also become available for our created character. The official details of pack 2 were recently announced but no release date has been given yet. We will bring more information on this DLC pack and it’s international release date as it comes. Xenoverse is out now on the PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and Steam for PC.
Credit to ShonenGamez for the translated scan.