Universal Studios Japan are going all out with their latest upcoming event, showcasing four popular franchises from video games, anime and manga, all of which have got worldwide recognition and praise. Titled Universal Cool Japan, the event will have sections dedicated to two of the most popular anime series, Evangelion and Attack on Titan.
People who visit Attack on Titan: The Real will be greeted with two giant life sized and incredibly detailed statues of titan Eren and a female titan, the fighting poses they strike are very similar to scenes from the anime. If this wasn’t real enough then fans can take part in a walk through attraction where they will get to see Clonoids (basically characters made into real life) of Eren, Mikasa and Armin. Full pictures of each character haven’t been released however check out the picture shown on the Attack on Titan event page, the detail of the eyes and hair alone will leave you amazed.
After checking out everything AoT, you should then head over to Evangelion The Real 4D to witness battles between Evas and angels in a whole new way. This attraction will be the very first 4D Evangelion film produced and will put audiences right in the middle of the action; combining moving seats, special effects and even using the sense of smell to fully emerge audiences in the originally created story.
The whole event will also contain sections based around the video games Monster Hunter, in which you can see life sized versions of a Seregios and Zinogore (that will literally shock those who touch it), and Resident Evil where people can enter a scary maze type escape game filled with puzzles and riddles to solve.
Universal Cool Japan will officially open on the 23rd this month and will be running until the 10th of May, giving you plenty of time to check it out if you happen to be in traveling around Osaka.