2012 is the 50th anniversary year of the James Bond film series. For half a century Ian Fleming’s 007 has occupied a huge space in the movie industry and pop culture, constantly evolving with every new actor cast – the reveal of the next James Bond is an event in itself.
After something of a misstep with Quantum of Solace four years ago there is work to be done to restore faith in Daniel Craig’s version of the character. Thankfully Skyfall will not be continuing the story that Casino Royale began back in 2006, and the director and cast involved are more than enough to sell this latest entry in the series.
Javier Bardem takes on the mantle of Skyfall’s villain, and is finally revealed in todays new international trailer. Anyone who has seen the Coen Brothers’ No Country for Old Men is more than aware of what this man can do with a villain, so his reveal in this trailer is something of a highlight, especially given his seeming penchant for stellar performances of characters with shall we say, unique hairstyles.
Also featured are Ralph Fiennes and fellow Brit actor Ben Whishaw as gadget expert Q, who has not appeared since Pierce Brosnan’s days in the titular role. Of course the character was played by Monty Python legend John Cleese, so no doubt Whishaw’s portrayal will take on a completely new angle.
The biggest sell for Skyfall however is Sam Mendes, the British director behind American Beauty, Revolutionary Road and Road to Perdition. Today’s trailer is chock full of potential plot detail gold, so make sure and discover it for yourself above.
Skyfall will hit cinemas in October.