Hi everyone, your favourite conveyer of MW2 thoughts is back – and yes with more MW2 thoughts. You might be thinking, doesn’t this guy have anything else to talk about except for MW2? Well the answer to that is simple. I don’t have much time to play games, I only get time at night after the kids are in bed and maybe a couple of hours on the weekend. Life at the moment is full of kids things to do, swimming, soccer 5 times a week and of course work!
The patch for MW2 has been out for a week, for those of you who don’t know, it fixed a multitude of issues, Care package glitching (unlimited and superman running), fixed the 1887 reach when using Akimbo and FMJ, fixed the Prestige 10 lobbies and some other stuff.
Well I must say it’s quite nice to be able to play a match without having to worry about the sky having every single aircraft in it from unlimited care packages and some idiot thinking it’s funny to run around with the Care Package marker knifing everyone. I think Infinity Ward are nearly there with the fixes, whether they choose or can fix the remaining bugs remain to be seen. There are a few things I have noticed and I hope IW look at them in the near future.
** Matchmaking – don’t we all wish to be able to play with 4 green bars every single game against other 4 green barrers (is that even a word??) COD5 WOW had the option for local search and it definitely made a difference.
** Getting mysteriously kicked out of lobbies – this is becoming more prevalent lately. For eg. 5 of us in a lobby join a match. we sit their for ages, then it merges us with another lobby – but hey! we lost someone! Or we lose everyone and everyone is in this black hole where no one can hear anyone else and eventually we get kicked out back to the lobby.
The other is when joining a match directly from a lobby, it looks like say if there are 5 of us, only 4 get into a match, as their were only 4 slots to begin with! This can be such a pain if you have been waiting for so long. The other night, we must have spent 2 hours doing this, and when we did get into a match with everyone, we were in a filthy laggy match and we couldn’t kill anyone anyway!
** Multiple Harriers at once. I have noticed lately, that in games there are multiple harriers coming in at a time, not sure about this, kinda wierd, don’t think it’s a glitch and I haven’t seen anything on youtube or comments in the Xbox or IW forums about this. I will keep checking this out and will report back on my findings – probably be another conveying of thoughts.
Things we have to look forward to in MW2.
** DLC – this looks like it is new maps. I hope they redo Shipment!! I also wouldn’t mind a barebones map where Killstreaks are not allowed.
** Me getting to Prestige 10! haha, soon my avid readers, soon. I am up to Prestige 6, level 62 – around 43,000 kills, and 42,000 deaths. yes my K/D ratio is now over 1!! I can’t believe it!
** The Capsule Computers Community night playing MW2. This looks like it is going to be the 19th March now, 8-11pm Australian Eastern Time (JUST NEED TO GET THIS CONFIRMED WITH XBOX FIRST). I hope that alot of you turn up and play, not sure what we are going to do, but it looks like it might be a Groundwar game type so we can get alot of you in there at once. Might do some crazy things, like Headquarters RUST with no Killstreaks! Anyone else got any suggestions on what to do? We will keep a list and change them often.
Lastly other stuff I have been doing on the Xbox lately. I have managed to get into Forza3 again – trying to complete all the races. I am only about 25% through them, and will probably take at least another 70-80 hours of game time. New games for me lately, I got GH Van Halen, yes it was finally released in Australia and I had the money for it! I can only play GH up to medium, as I am hopeless at moving my hand to get to the Orange. It a bit same old same old.. but it definitely is hard! I have no idea how people can play this game on Expert, kudos to you all. This one I saw on Youtube today, it’s crazy!
That’s about it for this conveying of thoughts for today! Catch you all again soon!
Convey your thoughts as well .. leave a comment below 🙂