In The House

Deliverance Review

DeliveranceStudios: Elmer ProductionsPublisher: Warner BrosPlatforms: CinemaRelease Date: Out NowDeliverance is a film I learnt about during my youth as a film which was uniquely...

Heathers Review

HeathersStudios: Cinemarque EntertainmentPublisher: New World PicturesPlatforms: CinemaRelease Date: Out NowI first had Heathers described to me as “Mean Girls but with a serial killer”,...

Heat Review

HeatStudios: Regency Enterprises, Forward PassPublisher: Warner BrosPlatforms: CinemaRelease Date: Out NowI had first heard of Heat years ago, when I still had a keen...

First Blood Review

First BloodStudios: Anabasis InvestmentsPublisher: Orion PicturesPlatforms: CinemaRelease Date: Out NowSo In the House is back for another season and we’re very excited to see...

Labyrinth Review

Labyrinth Studios: Henson Associates, Lucasfilm Publisher: TriStar Pictures Platforms: Cinema Release Date: Out Now Overview After watching The Dark Crystal, I settled in for the long haul to watch the second...

The Dark Crystal Review

The Dark Crystal Studios: Henson Associates, ITC Entertainment Publisher: Universal Pictures Platforms: Cinema Release Date: Out Now Overview I’d always heard the name Jim Henson spoken about with reverence in the many...

Scarface Review

Scarface Studios: Universal Pictures Platforms: Cinema Release Date: Out Now Overview Scarface is a cinema classic which has found a dear place in the heart of many people who...

Once Upon a Time in America Review

Once Upon a Time in America Studios: The Ladd Company, Embassy International Pictures Publisher: Warner Bros Platforms: Cinema Release Date: Out Now Overview I’m a fan of spaghetti Westerns and...

Starship Troopers Review

Starship Troopers Studios: Touchstone Pictures; Jon Davison Productions Publisher: Buena Vista International Platforms: Cinema Release Date: Out Now Overview Paul Verhoeven is a staple of sci-fi geeks everywhere with Robocop and Starship...

The Shawshank Redemption Review

The Shawshank Redemption Studios: Castle Rock Entertainment Publisher: Columbia Pictures Platforms: Cinema Release Date: Out Now Overview I was already familiar with Frank Darabont’s The Shawshank Redemption after having seen it...

Latest Reviews

Sniper Elite: Resistance Review

Sniper Elite: ResistanceDeveloper: RebellionPublisher: RebellionPlatforms: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC (Reviewed)Release Date: 30 Jan 2025Price: - $49.99 USD - Available Here $99.95 AUD – Available HereOverviewIf...

Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos Review

Neptunia Riders VS DogoosDeveloper: Compile HeartPublisher: Idea Factory InternationalPlatforms: PlayStation 5 (Reviewed), PlayStation 4, Switch, PCRelease Date: January 28, 2025, PC (TBA 2025)Price: $39.99...