The oddly named publisher Crunching Koalas has announced that they are aiming to have Acid Wizard Studio’s top-down horror adventure game, Darkwood, releasing on consoles this month with a variety of different release dates depending on the console. Currently already available on PC, the game will be releasing on the PlayStation 4 on May 14th, Nintendo Switch on the 16th, and finally the Xbox One on May 17th.
Rather than focusing on jump scares, Darkwood is a survival horror game that will see players crafting weapons, preparing traps, and fortifying their hideouts as they explore and scavenge the eerie forests of the Soviet Bloc by day, then hunker down in your hideout at night. With nightmarish forces corrupting the woods, wait and pray for the sun to come up the next morning. A new trailer for the game has been released and you can check it out below.