HomePlatformPCAlien: Isolation Unleashes Second DLC Pack Trauma

Alien: Isolation Unleashes Second DLC Pack Trauma


Today Sega and Creative Assembly welcomed the second DLC for Alien: Isolation, which is now available to download. ‘Trauma’ challenges players to compete across three new Survivor Mode maps; ‘Reoperation’, ‘Crawl Space’ and ‘Overrun’, as Sevastopol’s medical officer, Dr Lingard. In hope of safeguarding her research and clearing her guilty conscious for bringing the alien on board, Lingard sets out to destroy her data and do what she can to help those survivors in need of medical attention.

Of course, there wouldn’t be any “trauma” without a limited load-out of small arms and distraction devices, the station’s Working Joe androids on aggressive alert and the Alien hunting in the shadows, taking a top-tier time on the global leaderboards has never been more challenging.


‘Trauma’ is now available for MSRP $7.99/€6.99/£5.59, on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PC. For players who want to explore the entirety of Sevastopol Station, don’t miss out on the Alien: Isolation Season Pass to access all five Survivor Mode add-on packs at up to a 25% discount. All of the add-on packs will be released in March 2015, including ‘Safe Haven’, ‘Lost Contact’ and ‘The Trigger’.