Madman has begun streaming popular shonen anime series Fairy Tail on its AnimeLab website, launched only recently for Aussie anime fans. Currently, the first season of 48 episodes is viewable on AnimeLab as a subtitled release.
Lucy is a 17-year-old girl, who wants to be a full-fledged mage. One day when visiting Harujion Town, she meets Natsu, a young man who gets sick easily by any type of transportation. But Natsu isn’t just any ordinary kid, he’s a member of one of the world’s most infamous mage guilds: Fairy Tail.
Fairy Tail first aired in Japan in 2009 as an adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Hiro Mashima. Funimation, and soon after Madman, acquired the ongoing action anime in 2011 for a Western release.