Two manga series that began publication back in 2011 will be printing their last chapters in this month and the next. Koji Shinasakas’ Gambling manga Bakuto had its final chapter released today in this year’s 15th issue of Young Champion magazine and Kodanshas’ Bessatsu Friend magazine will end the series Kyou no Kira-kun (Today’s Kira-kun), created by Rin Mikimoto, in next month’s issue.
Bakuto focuses on High-School student Baku Omura, a boy who challenges students and adults in various gambling styled games and catches out the ones who break the rules. Today’s Kira-kun revolves around Nino Okamura and her pet parrot, and the events that occur after she finds out fellow classmate and neighbor Kira Yuiji’s secret.
Shinasaka has made a comment thanking his fans for all of their support for the manga and Mikimoto’s other series Kin Kyori Renai will be premiering its live action film this October.