HomeGenreActionKill La Kill's First Figure Set For A Release In June Of...

Kill La Kill’s First Figure Set For A Release In June Of 2014


As a crazed fan of Kill La Kill I am very excited to bring you news of the Anime’s next piece of merchandise and this time, well…it’s a big one! Kill La Kill has become mighty popular and for every hater out there I guarantee there’s at least 100 people who are absolutely loving it and with good reason too! It’s quirky, it’s comedic and it’s full of hardcore action!

Well it seems as though the folks over at “Phat!” (a merchandise manufacturer) and “Good Smile Company” (a merchandise distributor) have revealed that they are going to be selling a big piece of Kill La Kill merchandise starting up for pre-order next April and the figure will be of Ryuko Matoi (the main character) wearing Senketsu while in a battle pose, as you can see from the pictures within the article it is looking absolutely amazing and really is a must-have for fans of the series. The figure gets an actual release in June of next year (2014) but it goes up for pre-order in April, the figure will sell for about 8,800yen or US$84 so it’s fairly pricey but hopefully it is worth it.