HomePop CulturePop Culture NewsTitan Comics At New York Comic Con!

Titan Comics At New York Comic Con!


Titan Comics is going to kick it off in a huge way this year at the New York Comic Con with the release of brand-new comics, brand-new collections, crazy panels and awesome guest signings! Advanced copies of comics like “Miranda The She-Wolf” by Chris Claremont, famous for The Uncanny X-Men, and John Bolton who is famous for Man-Bat as well as others, will be available to the public! Monty Nero and Mike Downling’s “Death Sentence” will also make it’s début which is going to be a fantastic comic for crowds to get their hands on. On the Saturday of the Con, Jim Steranko will join Dave Elliot at the Titan Comics booth for an exclusive signing. He will be signing 300 A1 Annual prints with the money going to the “Heroes Initiative”. Si Spurrier will also be at the Titan Comics booth to sign his fantastic, smash-hit comic “Numbercruncher”.


On the Sunday of the Con from 3:45pm to 4:45pm, Titan Comics Senior Editor Steve White will be holding a panel with Si Spurrier, Dave Elliott and Monty Nero. Audiences will get a taste of what it is like behind the scenes of comic book creation and will be hearing about some cool announcements from the creators of comics themselves. Now that was just a little bit of an overview but if you are going to NYCC this year I suggest you look at the list below this paragraph to see all the Titan Comics events and activities. For any and all other information on the event or on Titan Comics themselves remember to follow them on Facebook (Here) where updates about what is going on will be frequent so you can always stay on top.

Portfolio Review: Titan Comics

Friday October 11, 1:45PM – 2:45PM, Room 1E05

Steve White, Titan Comics Senior Editor will be holding portfolio reviews on Friday at 1:45PM – 2:45 PM.

Signing: Death Sentence – Monty Nero,

Location: Titan booth 2142

Saturday October 12, 10:30AM – 11:30AM

Signing: A1/Hero Initiative NYCC exclusive print – Jim Steranko

Location: Titan booth 2142

Saturday October 12, 12:30PM – 2PM

Signing: Marada The She-Wolf – Chris Claremont

Location: Titan booth 2142

Saturday October 12, 3:30PM – 4:30PM

Signing: Numbercruncher – Si Spurrier

Location: Titan booth 2142

Sunday October 13, 12PM – 1PM

Signing: Death Sentence – Monty Nero

Location: Titan booth 2142

Sunday October 13, 2PM – 3PM

Panel: Titan Comics –The New Wave

Location: Room 1AO1

Sunday October 13, 2013, 3:45PM – 4:45PM,