The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing has barely seen the light of day and has just received free DLC for the taking! Scenario DLC will allow players to take on high-level monsters up the level 30 skill cap. These new levels will be accessible from the Helsing’s Secret Lair.
NeocoreGames promises continual updates for this DLC, so players can experience even higher level challenges to obtain unique items. Upon future rollouts, “Heroic Deeds” will be given as a boost to those slayers skillful enough to remove Borgovia’s mysterious threats.
Take a gander at the new screenshots below as well as our The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Preview. One can not simply wait for the coming onslaught. It’s kill or be killed in the bowels of Borgovia. Buy the title and gain access to free DLC on STEAM for only $14.99.