HomePlatformPCMinecraft User Recreating Earth

Minecraft User Recreating Earth


In a recent blog post on PlanetMinecraft, Minecraft user lentebriesje has revealed what could possibly be the most ambitious Minecraft project to date.  The content creator has gone far above and beyond the call of duty and is working to recreate the entirety of planet Earth.

The world is in the progress of being recreated on a 1:1500 scale using a tool called “WorldPainter” .  Due to restrictions from PlanetMinecraft, lentebriesje was unable to keep his project uploaded there, but has included links to each of the reworks of the major continents work has been done on so far: North America, Europe, South America, and Australia.

You can check out the original PlanetMinecraft blog post here, or check out the project’s Imgur page here.

Joe Morgan
Joe Morgan
Christian, gamer, software developer, crossfitter, jogger, and dog lover