Black Mesa, a Half-Life remake using the Source SDK 2007, is now available for free!
The 40-person ‘Black Mesa Modification Team’ has put in an excruciating 8 years of effort, all for this free-to-download remake; a total conversion of Half-Life 2. With new models, voice acting, maps, textures and a new soundtrack, Black Mesa aims to be a new but familiar experience for Half-Life fans, re-introducing the beloved hero Gordon Freeman. The mod is currently available via the official Black Mesa website, however the project has been green-lit for release through Steam at a later date, which is fantastic news for this dedicated team. The soundtrack, which was composed by one Joel Nielsen, is and has been available for free download since September 2nd. Although donations to the team are prohibited due to their use of Valve’s intellectual property, they are allowed to Joel Nielsen for his work on the OST. Click here to download the soundtrack and donate if you so please.