With September less than two weeks away, the air date for Doctor Who series 7 has been announced.
As previously reported, Doctor Who Series 7 episode one will showcase the comeback of the Daleks in Asylum of the Daleks , who haven’t been seen on the Doctor Who screens since the end of Series 5. In a series of twitter announcements, the Doctor Who twitter, BBC America Twitter, and ABC twitter have announced their respective air dates for this much awaited first episode of the Series 7.
- In the UK, @bbcdoctorwho has announced that Asylum of the Daleks will air on Saturday, September 1 at 7:20 pm.
- In America, @bbcamerica has announced that Asylum of the Daleks will air on Saturday, September 1 at 9 pm ET.
- In Canada, SPACE will premier Asylum of the Daleks on Saturday, September 1 at 9pm ET.
- In Australia, @abctv has announced that Asylum of the Daleks will air on September 8, Saturday at 7:30 pm on ABC1 with reruns on ABC2 on Tuesdays at 9 pm.
BBC America has also announced the air dates of the 2 subsequent episodes, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship and A Town Called Mercy, as a part of their “Supernatural Saturday” line up.
In conjunction with the premier of Series 7, the BBC is also releasing a series of web adventures titled “Pond Life” to premier online on August 28. It is a 5 part adventure with The Doctor, Amy Pond, and Rory Williams, and will be tiered throughout the week daily, counting down to the UK Series 7 premier.
Denizens of Australia, I hope you can stay away from the internet for a week as you wait for Asylum of the Daleks to air on ABC1.