While the current run of the Medaka Box manga is hinting at a possible conclusion of the serialization before the anime begins airing in the Spring 2012 season, the voice actors for that same anime adaptation are being announced. The voice actor Yuuki Ono has revealed on his twitter that he would be handling the voice work for the secondary main character Zenkichi Hitoyoshi in the anime as found by Ota-News.
This also comes alongside the reveal that Aki Toyosaki would be handling the voice work for the titular main character Medaka Kurokami when the series begins airing. The series will be produced by the studio Gainex and will follow the story of Medaka, an unnaturally strong girl from Hanokiwa Academy who won the student council president election by an outstanding 98% of the votes. She begins a suggestion box that will then take any plea from the student body at any time any day of the year. This however is only the tip of the iceberg as powerful forces within Hanokiwa Academy begin to move on the unnatural Medaka.