Fire Emblem was revealed for the Nintendo 3DS during the 3DS conference many weeks ago, but since then the company has been very tight lipped about when fans could expect to see the title or even see more about it. Well, Nikkei has some news for the title, but it may not be very welcoming news to most. Nikkei reports that Nintendo will begin launching their paid downloadable content system on the Nintendo 3DS in March of 2012. They also report that the first title to see the paid DLC system will be Fire Emblem 3DS.
The system will allow players to either use their credit cards or prepaid cards to make DLC purchases and fans can expect further downloadable content support from third party developers in the months after March. While it is disappointing to hear that DLC is going to soon be a potential focus for Nintendo 3DS developers, it is good to hear even a little bit more about Fire Emblem on the 3DS.