For those iOS gamers out there who can’t get enough of physics-based games, there is a new one which is bound to get some heads turning. Raccoon Rising has been announced for release on November 17 by Romper Games. Raccoon Rising will be a vertical platformer, physics-based games with a bite.
You play as a raccoon, platforming your way through robots bent on destroying your beautiful home forest-land. As a crafty raccoon you dodge the evil tree-crushing machines, stomp turtle cannons, and slice through robo-quids (who for some reason are also against your homely forest life), to liberate the animals of the woods.
In Raccoon Rising expect different touch controls than you have experienced before, excellent graphics, and over sixty challenging ‘gates’ in four worlds.
Make sure that come November 17 you have your copy of Raccoon Rising for the small price of 99c. Keep an eye out for the review on the site!