Crimson: Steam Pirates have released the third chapter of the pirate adventure, this time to iPad as well as iPhone and iTouch. The third chapter, “Fiendish Plots and Devious Devices”, offers eight more missions featuring ice-making and breaking, personages of the historical sort, the remarkable minelayer, and the awe-inspiring Tesla Death Ray.
Chapter 2 for the iPad will also be half price through November to celebrate the release of Chapter 3. Chapter 3 marks the epic finale of the first saga in the Captain Blood tales. There are two pass-and-play multiplayer scenarios, with over a dozen types of ships, subs and airships, and over twenty unique crew members whose special abilities enhance your gameplay.
Grab Chapter 1 and 2 for $0.99, with sixteen voyages in total – HERE
Grab Chapter 3 with the eight new voyages for $0.99 – HERE