Nippon Ichi has been busy with its latest Disgaea re-release, Disgaea 3 Return (to be known as Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention in the West). However, they took some time off and gave Dengeki PlayStation some notes on how the Vita’s main features are going to be used in the strategy game.
First up are how the touch controls will be implemented. Both the front touchscreen and the rear touchpad will be utilised but for different functions. The touchscreen can be used to scroll the multitude of windows in the game, presumably status menu and attacking options. The touchpad will be the camera control of the map. Players will be able to rotate and scroll the game map. Zooming was not mention but could be a possibility.
These next two relate to the network capabilities. One of the uses will be the ability to accumulate points that help gain more experience and mana via the positional information capabilities. This might be done via Near, which is the location based software of the Playstation Vita. The other use will be known as “Everyone’s Record,” a mode where one can check out their fellow player’s play time and damage stats. More elements could be added, but those two are the only ones.
Disgaea 3 Returns will launch with the Playstation Vita in Japan on December 17. The West will receive in the spring of 2012.