It really seems that during the first year of the Nintendo 3DS’ lifespan we will be seeing a nice selection of ports coming to the handheld. One that many are heavily anticipating though is the new version of the PS2 favorite, Tales of the Abyss. The 3DS version is looking to add some new touch screen controls and is sure to have some 3D enhancements, but other than that, not much is known at the moment of just all the extra features that this version will hold.
Today Namco have decided to tease us all with an extremely short trailer showing off a tiny but of gameplay from the Japanese version of the game. Everything is certainly looking sharp, but as I said this clip is just made to make fans drool until the release finally drops on May 19th for Japan and hopefully sometime shortly after for the rest of the world. You can check out the trailer below for yourself and as more comes forward on Tales of the Abyss for the 3DS, we will be sure to bring it to you here so stay tuned.