Well, bad news everyone. If you are a fan of the Guitar Hero series then you will have to turn to other alternatives to get your music game fix because Guitar Hero is dead. Activision Blizzard confirmed today on their Q4 announcements that not only will Guitar Hero be canceled, but DJ hero will also be cancelled due to unspecified reasons. This means that although Harmonix is also struggling at the moment, they are standing as the only interactive music game developer in the market.
Also announced was the fact that True Crime: Hong Kong has received the cancellation hammer now as well. This may have been the reason that not much has been said about the game since it was announced years ago. Unlike the Guitar Hero series, True Crime: Hong Kong received a reason for its cancellation; because apparently it was not good enough to compete with other games in the open world genre and wouldn’t make enough profit to justify continued development. Bad news all around.