If you happen to have been purchasing plenty of Nintendo games over the past year and been registering them online for Club Nintendo coins, then your work is finally about to pay off. Today Club Nintendo has announced the rewards for gold members (300 coins) or platinum members (600 coins). These coins only count since last July until now, so if you have been holding back on registering then it is to late now to redeem them for these prizes but you never know for next year.
Gold members will receive an exclusive calendar, but that isn’t too exciting. What is exciting is that Platinum Members will receive a “Super Mario Characters Figurine” which stands at 3.9″ in height, with a 4.6″ diameter. As you can see above it will include many of our star Super Mario characters.
I myself haven’t been able to reach either of these memberships with my coins, but has anyone here made it to either Gold or Platinum? It says you can choose between the calendar and figure but we all know what anyone would prefer.