I hope everyone is enjoying the new site layout, and the easier to read organization of everything. In order to celebrate the update I am holding a small contest. Continue reading to learn more. Be warned; however, this is not a simple comment contest. On the other hand, any active users should see no problem completing the contest.
Over the next four days I will be placing a word the that just doesn’t belong in a random post.
- Each day you will have to find another word in the 5 word long sentence.
- Each word will be crossed out so it will be clear when you find the word but not always clear to read it.
- The words will not be given in order.
- They can be located in anyone’s post, not just mine.
When you have located all 5 words unscramble the sentence in the most logical way you can. Then come back to this post and leave a comment that has the sentence clearly displayed (ex. The Sentence for the contest is: “__________”). The first person to comment with the correct sentence wins a random code from the Xbox Live March Block Party. This means it can either be “Toy Soldiers”, “Scrap Metal”, or ” Perfect Dark”.
The contest starts now, and one of the words is in this post. The rest will be discretely revealed in the following days. Good luck to all of you, and may the best reader win. While you are at it, you might as well comment on all the posts you read. It will help you win the active member contests we hold as well. Also, bookmark this page so you can easily return when you have completed the entire phrase. Or check the Competitions tab in the menu above.
Normal Contest Rules Apply. Only one entry per user, so make sure you have the sentence in the right order before guessing it. Make sure you reply to this post with a valid email address. The code will be sent out from [email protected]
Any questions or comments (that do not include a request for the sentence, hints, or free codes) feel free to leave a comment.