HomePlatformXbox 360Teabagging Support in Halo:Reach? and Reach Ringtones

Teabagging Support in Halo:Reach? and Reach Ringtones

Teabagging Support in Halo: Reach

Bungie has recently acknowledged a bug (if you can call it that) in the current alpha phase of Halo: Reach.

Currently whenever you die, the respawn camera flies to your respawn location keeping you from seeing any teabagging that your opponents do to you.

Title: Teabagging / humiliation moves impossible
Type: Bug
Opened: 3/4/2010 8:53:13 AM
“The respawn camera flies back to the spawn location immediately after dying, so your opponents can’t teabag / shoot / melee your body and have a possibility of you seeing it.”

I personally like the flying camera idea, it reduces the chance of spawn camping, and honestly I feel teabagging to be a very immature move.

Do you guys feel that Bungie should fix it so that we are forced to watch the enemy teabag us? Maybe an option to turn it on or off?

Halo: Reach Ringtones
Here is a present from Bungie to you, want a Halo themed ringtone?
Well, have at them guys!

“Reach Reach Reach…” in MP3 format
“Reach Reach Reach…” in M4R format