Capsule Computers Modern Warfare 2 Community Night Coming SOON !!

Doom on you MR TANGO !! & anyone else that stands in our way !!

Capsule Computers has sent through an application to host a Xbox Live Community event for Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2.  Hopefully if all goes well, Xbox give us the go ahead we can all get on and play Modern Warefare 2 from 8pm to 11pm AUS EST on Friday 19th March.  Now this date might change as it’s up to the Xbox team to approve the date.  But STAY TUNED !!  For now get on Xbox Live whack in Modern Warfare 2 and practice !! As your gonna need it !!  The Capsule Computers Team are ready to take you all down 😉


If you have any questions leave a comment below.  We’ll keep you all posted here as well as Twitter.