The Nancy Drew series created by Her Interactive is possibly one of the most successful adventure style series ever made. They are especially very popular with female gamers as Her Interactive’s vision has been to be the leader in creating such high quality, fun and inspiring games for girls of all ages. Her Interactive’s philosophy has been to create an environment that fosters excellence through the art of creative collaboration. Along with high quality synergy between gameplay, story and aesthetics which in turn results in an engaging experience for all.
Megan Gaiser is the President and CEO of Her Interactive. Through her work at Her Interactive, she has helped make intelligent games for the younger female audience. Her Interactive games such as the Nancy Drew series of games have become very popular. Megan Gaiser works hard in both talks and through her work at Her Interactive to get more girls interested in gaming both as a hobby and as a career.
With this in mind it brings us to the special on Nancy Drew games currently available on the STEAM store. At the moment for only $49.99 you are able to grab the complete pack of Nancy Drew games (16games) This is a saving of over $175 !!!
Click on the image below to be taken over to STEAM to grab yourself an amazing baragain. If you would like to see and learn more about Her Interactive, click on the link here to jump over to official website. Her Interactive is a fantastic company that is doing a great job at getting more women and girls interested in games.