If you live in Australia and have pre-ordered your copy of Call Of Duty : Modern Warfare 2 from EBGAMES. You should of received a call or a SMS Message that it will be available at MIDNIGHT tonight !! As EBGAMES are doing a midnight launch for the Modern Warfare 2. As soon as the clock stikes 12. It will be the 10th of the 11th(november) 2009 .. and the battle will begin once again .. No spoilers Im not going to give away any of the story.. (thats because i dont know any of it ) 😉
If you have pre-ordered and havnt received a call or SMS yet .. give your local EB GAMES a call and confirm with them that they will be doing the Midnight Launch.
Only 12hours & 20mins left … before total mayhem is unleashed on XBOX LIVE !!