HomeMain MenuNewsThe Biggest, Baddest "Shadow Warrior" Trailer Yet

The Biggest, Baddest “Shadow Warrior” Trailer Yet

Shadow Warrior Remake
Shadow Warrior Remake

We now live in an age where gaming fans are calling for good remakes of their favourite classics and living in this age also means that we have game development companies that would gladly try their best to fill the need for nostalgia, well Flying Wild Hog as developer and Devolver Digital as publisher have come together to revive what seemed like a long dead title: Shadow Warrior! The “You Got Wang!” trailer for this old school, Doom-like, action, first person shooter shows off some fantastic-looking environments that are detailed beyond belief as will as some ninja-style katana-wielding action that definitely makes melee action seem incredibly cool, not to mention the showcase of some fierce-looking guns! Enough talk from me, go ahead and check out the new Shadow Warrior trailer just below this and get pumped for it’s release on the 26th of September on the PC and on all Next-Gen consoles sometime next year!