HomeGenreActionWargame AirLand Battle Video Explains Deck System

Wargame AirLand Battle Video Explains Deck System


Interested in the upcoming PC strategy title, Wargame AirLand Battle, by Eugen Systems but not sure how the units and armies come together? Creative Director Alexis Le Dressay talks you through the Deck system where players spend earned points and choose from over 820 authentic units from 12 nations to field in their army on the multiplayer battlefield.

In Wargame, players create specialised armies before fielding it in battle or choose from a set of presets to begin with. These armies, or “Decks”, are built on their personal preferences or to counter their opponents and complement their teammates. In hectic 10v10 clashes, having a set of customised decks to choose from seems vital.

An interesting bonus system is used too, so if you stick to a specific fighting tactic or nation in your deck you’ll get high performance prototype units or more reinforcements for example.

AirLand Battle’s Deck system is shaping up to be more flexible with more options for specific play than in its predecessor’s, European Escalation. The game is published by Focus Home Interactive and is due for release on May 23. Check out the video outlining this integral gameplay component below.