HomeGenreAction3DS e-Shop and Virtual Console Upcoming releases

3DS e-Shop and Virtual Console Upcoming releases


Nintendo have released a small list of e-Shop releases in their Nintendo Conference earlier tonight. These releases look like a fun way to add some fun into your 3DS console. All up we have five or so e-Shop releases involving games that are not virtual console releases. These games are as follows:


Kersploosh, March 7

Dillon’s Rolling Western: The Last Ranger, April 11

We also have a couple of Virtual Console releases being announced for release on the e-Shop. These are as follows:

Harvest Moon and Legend of the River King

Are you pumped for this list of releases? I know that we are!

We did forget the most important piece though, and it is below.


Benjamin Webb
Benjamin Webbhttp://www.facebook.com/linkageax
Gaming for as long as my memory serves me, probably longer.