HomePublisher2KNBA 2K Everywhere brings NBA 2K13 to everything

NBA 2K Everywhere brings NBA 2K13 to everything

Ever feel like you just don’t have enough NBA in your life? Well 2K Sports has revealed that they will be launching a new service that will make it so that you will never be too far away from NBA 2K13 once it is released. It is being titled NBA 2K Everywhere and will be available as a companion app on a slew of mobile devices, a social game on Facebook and even a full version of NBA 2k13 will be released on the iOS and Android as well.

The MyNBA2K app will be available in October for the iOS, Kindle and Android and will contain a number of minigames and allow the player to connect to the main game’s MyTeam and MyCareer features. As for the Facebook game, NBA 2K: MyLife gamers will be able to import their MyCareer avatar into the game to compete for endorsement deals which will unlock rewards in the main versions of the game.

As for the full mobile versions of the game as well as the console versions, NBA 2K13 will be available for purchase in October, meaning you have less than a month until you can become one with the 2K NBA world.

Travis Bruno
Travis Bruno
After playing games since a young age and getting into anime a bit later on its been time to write about a little bit of everything.