Details about Deadpool the Game revealed

The Deadpool game was announced last weekend at the San Diego Comic Con, which is currently being developed by High Moon Studios, the same people who brought us Transformers: War for Cyberton and the upcoming Transformers: Fall of Cyberton. Fans of Deadpool will be happy to hear that the story is being written by long time Deadpool writer Daniel Way. Daniel Way has been with Marvel since 2002 and has been writing Deadpool since 2008.

Deadpool will also be voiced by Nolan North who has been voicing the merc with a mouth since 2009 in Hulk Vs. Wolverine animated film.  So we can rest easy knowing that the game is in good hands. The game is available for pre-order at Amazon in the US, and will be available for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 sometime in 2013.

Evan Brander-Jones
Evan Brander-Jones
Playing games since the 16 bit era. Playing games for 20+ years. Evan Brander-Jones the one handed nightmare not only plays games from the Super Famicom all the way to the Playstation 3 like there is no tomorrow. Loves Japanese culture, pro wrestling, MMA, and Metal. Evan also knows the history of the game industry, Pro Wrestling industry, the Metal genre and it's many sub genres. D&D, and Fallout PNP player. Horror Film Enthusiast, and lover of MTG, Table Top and Board games.