In anticipation of next week’s Agents of Sabotage, the Heist Challenge has been extended for one more week, offering players a last chance to collectively reach the GTA$20 trillion goal and claim the brand-new Police Predator Boat and the NOOSE Law Enforcement Outfit with the launch of Agents of Sabotage.
In addition, those who completed an eligible Heist Finale as part of the challenge will be gifted the Pacific Standard Varsity Jacket for their contributions, which they can claim this week.
Full details from this week’s update featuring hefty Bail Office bonuses include:
- Triple GTA$ and RP on the Community Series
- Double GTA$ and RP on Standard Bounty Targets
- Double GTA$ on Bail OfficeStaff Income
- Weekly Challenge: Secure three Bounty Targets of any kind to earn an extra GTA$100,000
- Heist Challenge Extension: Anyone who completed an eligible Heist Finale as part of the challenge can claim the Pacific Standard Varsity Jacket this week, while players will also earn the brand-new Police Predator Boat and the NOOSE Law Enforcement Outfit should the GTA$20 trillion goal be achieved by next week.
- Premium Deluxe Motorsport Vehicles: The Enus Stafford (Sedan, 30% off) in the Oh Enus! limited-time l ivery, Progen Tyrus (Super, 30% off), Weeny Dynasty (Sports Classic, 30% off), Dinka Thrust (Motorcycle), and Invetero Coquette BlackFin (Muscle)
- Luxury Autos Vehicles: The Bollokan Envisage (Sports, 30% off) and Declasse Impaler SZ (Muscle)
- HSW Premium Test Ride: The Weeny Issi Rally (SUV)
- LS Car Meet Prize Ride: Win in the LS Car Meet Series for three days in a row to walk away with a new Överflöd Autarch (Super)
- LS Car Meet Test Rides: The Vapid Peyote Gasser (Muscle, 30% off), Vulcar Fagaloa (Sports Classic), and Lampadati Tigon (Super, 30% off)
- Lucky Wheel Top Prize: The classic Declasse Tahoma Coupe (Muscle)
- Gun Van Discounts: 30% off the Grenade Launcher and50% off all Weapons and Throwables (GTA+ Members only)
- 40% off Bail Offices, their Upgrades and Modifications
- Vehicle Discounts: 30% off the Bollokan Envisage (Sports), Canis Castigator (SUV), Enus Paragon S (Sports), Vapid Dominator FX (Muscle), Vapid Dominator FX Interceptor (Emergency), Enus Stafford (Sedan), Lampadati Tigon (Super), Vapid Peyote Gasser (Muscle), Progen Tyrus (Super), and Weeny Dynasty (Sports Classic)
- GTA+ Benefits: A free Nagasaki Shinobi (Motorcycle), biker-themed apparel, 50% off MC Clubhouses, Double Rewards for LS Tags, and much more
Please see the Rockstar Games Newswire for more information