The creator of the Silent Hill series, along with his team of creative minds, is finally back at the helm of a new horror game. Slitterhead delivers a blend of the eerie atmosphere of Forbidden Siren with the high-speed movement and combat of Gravity Rush, creating a gameplay experience unlike anything else.
We tackle the first few missions of Slitterhead, as the spirit named Hyoki awakens to his abilities and purpose. To navigate the decadent Kowlong, Hyoki can possess humans and even dogs. However, possessing people is the only way to face the Slitterheads, though not just anybody will suffice. Fortunately, Hyoki has a heightened compatibility with certain individuals, unlocking powerful combat abilities within them. We get to know more about these rare characters and the motives behind the Slitterheads’ killing spree.
Set in the densely cluttered streets of “Kowlong,” filled with obscurity and chaos, this battle action-adventure game casts players as the “Hyoki,” an entity devoid of memory and physical form. His only motive is to eradicate the monstrous beings known as “Slitterheads” crawling around the city, disguising themselves as humans.
Roaming the vibrant neon-lit cityscape, players must seek out allies among humans known as “Rarities,” infiltrate and track dangerous organizations, and engage in battles harnessing the power of blood. As the suspenseful drama unfolds, delve into the mystery behind Hyoki’s existence and the appearance of the Slitterheads.
Developer: Bokeh Game Studio lnc.
Publisher: Bokeh Game Studio lnc.
Platform: Windows, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S
Release Date: 9th November, 2024
Price: $49.99 USD
Available here –
Recommended – “Slitterhead delivers an intriguing horror story and fast action, but its exploration sections feel watered down, lacking in player agency.”
Check out our review for Slitterhead here!
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