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Developer Playthrough for Cozy Cartography Game Map Map Showcases Island Exploration, Tools and Companion Quests

Hamburg, Germany – September 4th 2024 – Pipapo Games, a small team based in Germany, has published a developer playthrough of their cozy cartography game that’s currently in development for PC, Map Map – A Game About Maps. The video showcases the mechanics and tools players will use to explore the colorful and beautiful islands in search of treasure. Lukas from Pipapo Games goes through an early demo build of the game that was playable for the first time at gamescom 2024 and explains how to accurately pinpoint locations with the cartography tools at your disposal.

In Map Map, you set off on an adventure with your crew to find hidden treasure. You explore wondrous natural landscapes as you travel from island to island, searching for clues. Your task as the crew’s trusty cartographer is to explore each island, filling out what starts as an empty map with ruins, landmarks and other key locations. Unlock new cartography tools as you progress to help you create more accurate maps and lead your crew to the hidden treasure.

Get to know the unique characters that compose your crew at the outset and welcome new friends into the fold as your progress. Discover their stories and personalities as you discover secret places, ancient ruins and delightful animals or your cartographic adventures. Enjoy a pressure free experience without distracting quest markers that lets you uncover this whimsical world at your own pace.

Pipapo Games
Map Map on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2702260/Map_Map__A_Game_About_Maps/
Website: https://pipapo.games/

About Pipapo Games

Pipapo Games consists of  Annika, Lukas, Laura, and Clara, supported by Ali Popa who makes our game worlds come alive with beautiful audio and Jenni Wagner who manages our social media channels. Combining our different skill sets and previous industry experience, we focus on developing light-hearted, humorous games that feature creative and unique mechanics.