Tokyo, Japan – August 27, 2024 – Shueisha Games has announced that their upcoming mystery adventure game, Urban Myth Dissolution Center, will be released in February 2025. The game follows protagonist Azami Fukurai, who uses special glasses that allow her to see the supernatural, as she teams up with Ayumu Meguriya, the head of the Urban Myth Dissolution Center, to solve cases involving urban legends. The announcement was made during today’s Indie World by Nintendo.
For more information, visit the official Indie World Showcase page on YouTube.
Hot off the games’ successful showing at gamescom last week, Shueisha Games is proud to be featured in the coveted Nintendo Indie World. “We couldn’t be happier with the reception Urban Myth Dissolution Center received during gamescom last week, and we’re so honored to be a part of Nintendo’s Indie World ahead of us bringing the game to PAX West this week, in addition to the newly announced release date. We encourage everyone to look at the latest trailer in the showcase, and we look forward to meeting new fans in Seattle this weekend!” said Tomoya Tanaka, Global PR Manager at Shueisha Games.
Urban Myth Dissolution Center is a single-player psycho-detective mystery adventure where you will take on the role of Azami Fukurai, tasked with unraveling mysteries as she helps run the day-to-day operation of the titular Dissolution Center. She’s no ordinary rookie, though, possessing the ability to see the memories of places through her glasses. Utilizing her unique gifts and under the supervision of unenthusiastic but capable colleague Jasmine and wheelchair-bound director and psychic Ayumu Meguriya, Azami must navigate cursed relics, dimensional anomalies, and otherworldly creatures in search of answers, delving into the paranormal activity surrounding each case.
Urban Myth Dissolution Center will launch on PC and Nintendo Switch in February 2025. It will support multiple languages, including English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified and Traditional Chinese, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, and Hindi.
About Shueisha Games
Shueisha Games, founded in February 2022 and headquartered in Tokyo, is an enthusiastic and experienced team responsible for the planning, development, and sales of many titles for consoles, PCs, and smartphones.