HomeMain MenuPress ReleasesRoguelite Third-Person Shooter Cowboy 3030 Giddy-ups into Early Access 28 May

Roguelite Third-Person Shooter Cowboy 3030 Giddy-ups into Early Access 28 May

LOS ANGELES – 8 April 2024 – Cowboy 3030, the roguelite third-person shooter from husband-and-wife developer Soy Boy Games, rides into its Early Access debut on PC via Steam 28 May 2024! After multiple demo updates adding weapons, features, characters, and more, Hololasso County calls upon all bounty hunters to hunt down alien outlaws.

Ever since the dreaded Nebularos gang rode up, they’ve enacted a reign of terror across the futuristic Wild West. Step into the boots of the electro-lasso-slinging Calix, or snipe down threats from afar with Keri and her Precision Rifle. Loot new rewards and weapons from fallen outlaws and upgrade arsenals and abilities alike for a showdown against the Nebularos ringleaders!

Early Access builds upon the ever-growing demo. Lay down the law as Teri with his ol’ reliable shotgun. Line up shots with his Spread Projector, yank distant targets into range with the Magnetic Grappler, and stun them with the Electric Shock. New Forest and Snow biomes boast fresh bosses like the Menacing Monk and Maniacal Mobster. Swap out upgrades at shops on any given run’s progression grid, and upgrade Boosters to craft the perfect cowboy (or cowgirl!).

Bounty hunters don’t need to run this operation solo: grab some loyal pardners and show Hololasso County that this town is big enough for all of ya’s in online multiplayer co-op with up to four players. Rescue surviving townsfolk for extra health and discounts from the local merchants. Not everyone has to walk the path of righteousness; prove mettle by inspiring more dread than awe to find interesting deals for the discerning gunslinger… at a price.

Even if defeat comes all too quickly, dust off those leathers and get back in the saddle. After each run, unlock even deadlier weapon options. Experiment with a randomly generated progression grid tailored with distinct perks and abilities for each playable character to master new ways to play. Adapt to the challenges ahead and carve out a legend they’ll tell tall tales about for centuries to come.

“With Cowboy 3030 now officially quick-drawn into Early Access, we look forward to bringing a fresh experience to roguelite shooter fans,” said Soy Boy Games founder George Chiu. “We’re excited for everyone to saddle up and star in their own spaghetti western shootouts.”

Cowboy 3030 hits Early Access on PC via Steam on May 28, 2024. For more information, visit Soy Boy Games’ official website and follow the studio on Twitter and YouTube. Download Cowboy 3030 now on Steam.

About Soy Boy Games

Soy Boy Games was founded by the husband-and-wife team of George Chiu and Vivian Minh to find a fresher way to game. With the market saturated by titles that largely iterate off each other, Soy Boy Games aims to take a quirkier path out to the players.