Eternights Announced for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and PC

During their latest State of Play Sony gave Studio Sai a portion of time to reveal that they have a brand new game that they are deeming a “dating action game” called Eternights and will be releasing it on the PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and PC sometime in early 2023. The company describes the title as a dating action game where players will blend a love story with “adrenaline-driven” combat as the characters make the most out of life during an apocalypse.

One day, something, or someone, has turned humans into dangerous monsters. All that interests them now is violence and power. When players aren’t exploring dungeons, you can choose to spend time growing closer to a cast of five quirky and loveable characters. Explore their stories and grow closer to them to unlock unique skills and spells you can use in battle.

Regardless of what players do, they will need to keep an eye on the clock because time passes while fighting, dating, and more and as time passes so do the days they have left to grow stronger and continue their journey. The reveal trailer for Eternights and a large number of screenshots can be found below.

Travis Bruno
Travis Bruno
After playing games since a young age and getting into anime a bit later on its been time to write about a little bit of everything.