Ubisoft will be releasing the next DLC for Watch Dogs 2 tomorrow. “Human Conditions” features three new story operations. Automata will have DeadSec investigating how Nudle’s CyruX smart car uses the driver’s personal information it collects. Bad Medicine brings Jordi Chin of Watch Dogs into the fray as DeadSec attempts to stop ransomware that has struck San Francisco’s hospitals. The final mission Caustic Progress introduces the biotechnology company RenSense. Prime Eight leader Lenni and DeadSec must team up together to stop RenSense’s experimentation on San Francisco’s homeless population. The three operations should provide about five hours of content.
In addition to the three story operations, “Human Conditions” adds a brand new co-op challenge that will have players investigating a gang war in San Francisco. Gamers will be able to test their skills with the new Elite co-op challenges that are set on larger, more difficult maps. To make things even tougher, a new Jammer enemy is being introduced in co-op. The Jammer is equipped with a device that prevents nearby players from using their hacking skills. Players can temporarily shut down the Jammer’s ability from a distance, but the only way to stop it for good is to neutralize the Jammer and physically shut the device down.
Watch Dogs 2 “Human Conditions” will be a timed PlayStation 4 exclusive. PS4 owners can get started on the DLC on February 21st, while PC and Xbox One owners will have to wait until March 23rd. “Human Conditions” will cost $22.95 AUD and is also part of the $59.95 AUD Season Pass.