Warriors of Darkness take center stage in FINAL FANTASY XIV patch 3.4
Updates Include New Main Scenario Quests, Raid Dungeon, and PvP Battles
LONDON (27TH September, 2016) – Today’s release of FINAL FANTASY® XIV Patch 3.4, “Soul Surrender,” beckons the more than six million players worldwide to experience a myriad of new features, including the following major updates:
● Main Scenario Quests: Soul Surrender marks the reunion of Alphinaud and Alisaie Leveilleur and delves further into the story surrounding the Warriors of Darkness.
● New Raid Dungeon: The final chapter of the Alexander raid dungeon series challenges adventurers to conquer tough new foes and is available in two difficulty levels: “Alexander: The Creator” and “Alexander: The Creator (Savage).”
● Containment Bay P1T6: Players will face off against Sophia, the Goddess as the second battle in The Warring Triad series. The ancient Meracydian deity can be challenged in both normal and extreme difficulties.
· Two New High-Level Dungeons: Heroes can journey into the mountains of Xelphatol, battling against the Ixal to prevent the summoning of Garuda, or take on new challenges to obtain long-forgotten knowledge in The Great Gubal Library (Hard).
● New Side Quests: The ever-exciting Hildibrand questline returns, as the inspector extraordinaire investigates new rumors of criminals in Ishgard. Additionally, new quests from the Saint Endalim’s Sophisticate are available, in which players will uncover the truth behind a missing student of the seminary.
● Housing Updates: Apartments have come to each of the housing wards, providing players with an affordable housing option that includes a shared chocobo™ stable and lobby area. Aquariums are also available as a new furniture choice for all housing options—players can customize the aquarium’s décor and start their very own fish collection.
The official Patch 3.4 website provides additional details on the following:
● Grand Company Updates: Patch 3.4 introduces adventurer squadrons, a simulation-style feature in which players assemble their own squad of NPC volunteers and send them on special missions. Furthermore, a new Grand Company player rank will be available, in addition to new gear which can be purchased with company seals.
● PvP Updates: Eorzeans may now engage in one-on-on matches using Duel Mode in the Wolves’ Den Pier PvP area. PvP fans can also hone their skills in 4v4 battles with the new Custom Match feature. Those who wish to watch from the sidelines may use Spectator Mode to view custom matches, with preset camera angles to allow for an up-close view of the action.
● Expanded Cross Hotbar Options for Players Using Controllers: Player utilizing the cross hotbar will now have even more freedom and customization options when setting up their actions with the new W Cross Hotbar.
● New Gear, Exploratory Missions, and more.
FINAL FANTASY XIV continues to deliver on the promise of bringing the best of the FINAL FANTASYexperience to the online realm. The MMO recently celebrated its third anniversary, continuing to usher in new adventurers to the ever-growing game world.
Further details on Patch 3.4, Soul Surrender, are available here:http://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/3e346198c51cd42590ae680297f30908c0bd0c4d
The Soul Surrender trailer may be viewed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JPfQb549Eo .
Fantasy becomes reality as the FINAL FANTASY XIV Fan Festival kicks off in Las Vegas in October before heading to Tokyo in December and Frankfurt in February 2017. Please visit http://ffxiv-fanfest.com for more details.
Related Links
The FINAL FANTASY XIV Lodestone: http://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/
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Official YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/FINALFANTASYXIV
Official Twitter: @FF_XIV_EN
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