Last week Nippon Ichi Software teased a new PS Vita title called Yomawari (Night Watch) with a creepy teaser trailer and now that the company has launched the official website for Yomawari we now have some clues about this game that follows a young girl as she looks for her missing sister and dog in a creepy town at night.
The story of Yomawari involves the young girl walking her dog but after an accident that occurred because she was careless, the dog disappeared. When she returned home with an empty leash, her older sister went out in search for the dog but when the older sister doesn’t return, the young girl must go out into the eerie night of the town to search for them.
As players wander throughout the town there will be many things that cannot be seen without the use of the girl’s flashlight. However dangerous terrors lurk in the darkness of night and while some of these things may be revealed by simply shining your light on them, there might be “dangerous things” as well.