The very first episode of Dragon Ball Super has just aired in Japan over the weekend in what is an exciting time for Dragon Ball fans around the world. While it may be a tiny bit late, this Dragon Ball Super primer is aimed at getting you in the know about this all new series that is expanding upon one of the biggest anime franchises of all time.
What is Dragon Ball Super?
Dragon Ball Super is a brand new anime series continuing on from the events of Dragon Ball Z. Unlike Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z, Super will not be an anime adaptation of a manga. Rather, a manga is being produced that releases after the show airs. The story of Dragon Ball Super is being written by original series creator Akira Toriyama and being produced by Toei Animation.
When does the new series take place?
Dragon Ball Super takes place 6 months after the defeat of Majin Buu on the Sacred World of the Kais. That means the events of Super start before both Battle of Gods and Resurrection ‘F’, and even before the 2008 Jump Special Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return which the events there in occurred 2 years after the defeat of Majin Buu!
Who are these Fat Beerus and Female Whis characters?
Nothing is known about these two characters except that they are new to the Dragon Ball Universe and Fat Beerus’ name is Champa, a pun on Champagne like how Beerus and Whis are puns on the alcoholic beverages beer and whisky.
How does Dragon Ball Super fit in with the events of Battle of Gods and Resurrection ‘F’?
It seems that Dragon Ball Super will be incorporating the events of both movies but will be retelling them in its own way. A special message from Akira Toriyama stated
“Dragon Ball Super” is a complete continuation of the Majin Buu story arc. It’s got a bit of post-battle aftermath, continues with the “Battle of Gods” arc where the God of Destruction Beerus appears and the “Revival of ‘F’” arc where Frieza comes back to life, and then, I’ve written a strange new story where they finally depart from this universe. They’re fighting against their neighbors, Universe 6! They’ll yell at me if I give away too many spoilers, so I’ll keep the rest a secret, but they’re chasing after giant Super Dragon Balls; I think things will unfold in a bright and simple way, that will be really fun and exciting!
Since it’s another universe, loads of new characters will turn up. I’ll do my best to draw the tons of character designs necessary, so I’m looking forward to this too.”
Of course based solely on this statement it isn’t definitive that Super will not ‘work around’ the movies, but seeing as Beerus is stated to be asleep for 39 years in Battle of Gods which takes place 5 years after the defeat of Majin Buu, the events of Battle of Gods already don’t fit with those of Super.
What is Universe 6?
Not much is known about Universe 6 other than it will contain plenty of new characters. Beerus stated in Battle of Gods that there are 12 universes, all with their own God of Destruction. This of course could be changed as the events of Battle of Gods seems to be altered to fit in with Dragon Ball Super.
What about Dragon Ball GT?
As it stands it seems near impossible for Dragon Ball GT to fit in with the series canon and will probably be more unlikely once Super ends its run. Some fans are hoping the events of Dragon Ball GT will turn out to be what happens in one of the other universes.
How many episodes will be in Dragon Ball Super?
As for now we have no definitive answer but some sites have listed 100 episodes as the duration of the series, however this is most likely a placeholder number.
When does Dragon Ball Super air?
Dragon Ball Super airs in Japan on Sunday mornings at 09:00 GMT +9.
Where can I watch it?
Unfortunately the only place to watch Dragon Ball Super as of now is if you live in Japan. It was expected Funimation would pick up the rights to launch a Simulcast that would allow people all over the world to watch it with subtitles as the show aired in Japan but this has not happened as of yet. There is still hope this will happen in the near future and that all episodes aired previous to the Simulcast launch will be added. Of course this is the modern age we live in so finding a place to watch the episode online once it airs in Japan isn’t exactly a hard task.