BlazBlue: Alter Memory English Dub Trailer Released


About a month ago FUNimation revealed that they were able to bring most of the English voice actors from the Blazblue fighting game series back to reprise their roles in the series except for Platinum the Trinity and Rachel’s familiar Nago. Now they have released a new English dubbed trailer for BlazBlue: Alter Memory to give us a brief sampling of how the characters will sound and thankfully it seems that the cast hasn’t lost a step.

It is worth noting that FUNimation has still not revealed the voice actress for Taokaka nor the voice actor for Iron Tager, but from the short time that Taokaka appeared in the trailer it sounds like she will still be voiced by Philece Sampler though we can likely expect a full reveal sometime before BlazBlue: Alter Memory‘s release on June 30th.

Travis Bruno
Travis Bruno
After playing games since a young age and getting into anime a bit later on its been time to write about a little bit of everything.