Team17 has announced that the Kickstarter title, This is the Police by Weappy Studio, has been added to it’s official line up. This means that marketing, PR, and general assistance to development and release will be aided by the publishing company. Additionally, there is now the added hope that This is the Police will come to other platforms besides PC.
The title is nearing the end of it’s Kickstarter funding period, and while This is the Police hasn’t quite reached it’s goal it’s close. Hopefully with this announcement from Team17 the title will be produced even if Weappy Studio’s Kickstarter isn’t fully funded.
We’ve covered This is the Police before and the title is quite promising. It appears to be a mash-up of genres, involving strategy and adventure aspects. Additionally, the overview of the game is set up like city management games as the protagonist works to earn money though police corruption. Hopefully the story will be strong as well, since the game looks to lean heavily on it’s corrupt police narrative for setting. Look for This is the Police in December 2015.