Last night we wrote about how Sekai Project had launched their Kickstarter campaign to bring all three of the Grisaia games to the West and now in under twenty four hours not only have they managed to reach their full funding goal of $160,000 but they have actually managed to reach their first stretch goal at $200,000.
This means that Sekai Project will begin localizing the spin-off game, Idol Magical Girl Chiruchiru ☆ Michiru, shortly after they finish releasing all three of the main games. It is worth noting that at the moment, the company has not mentioned how much this extra game will cost to add-on to your current pledge, but they did say that it will be available in both physical and digital forms with a collector’s box that will be adjusted to fit all four games.
Currently the Grisaia Trilogy Kickstarter is at $201,827 and the next stretch goal is at $240,000. At this point the company will not only release the games on the PC but they will also port them to Mac, Linux, and possibly the PS Vita.
Thanks to the outstanding support already given to the Kickstarter, Watanabe Akio, one of the artists behind the Grisaia games, drew up a special congratulations image that you can see below.