Not long after his Pain & Gain buddy Mark Wahlberg made the trip down under to preview Transformers: Age of Extinction, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson will also be walking the carpet at Event Cinemas George St.
Mr. “Franchise Viagra” himself will be arriving at the cinema complex on Thursday, June 19, to give us Australians an early look at footage from Hercules, directed by Brett Ratner and distributed by Paramount Pictures. The event will begin at 5:30pm, and hardcore fans have the chance to attend the screening and see ‘The Rock’ live, in-person, via the Event Cinemas George St. Facebook page. Keep an eye on it as it gets updated with details.
To quench your excitement for now, check out the payoff trailer for Hercules, embedded below. It’s slightly different than official trailer #2, released just the other day.